Schatz Energy Research Center

Recent posts

Tanya Garcia unpacks a solar module in the Schatz courtyard.

Student research developments: summer 2018

This summer, thirteen students contributed to Schatz Center research projects in smart grids, bioenergy, wind, and off-grid energy access. SMART GRIDS Craig Mitchell provided construction observation at the Solar+...

A hydrogen fuel cell "SunBus" sits outside a conference center.

Fuel Cell Vehicle Readiness: Project Update

Over the last three years, the Schatz Center has been a technical lead for the North Coast and Upstate Fuel Cell Vehicle Readiness Project, in partnership with the Redwood Coast Energy Authority and six local government...

Two hands hold a small pile of biochar

Biochar Quality Assessment Project

Biochar has the potential to provide environmental and economic benefits to California’s agricultural sector through improved water retention [1], carbon sequestration [2], and reduced nutrient leaching [3], but...

Ahn and Greg insert a module into its place

The Schatz Center roof goes solar

On the last weekend of September, HSU and Schatz Center alumnus Nate Coleman returned to Humboldt State with a team of solar professionals to lead the installation of a photovoltaic array on the roof of the Schatz...

"Overhead shot shows solar modules on the canopy of the fueling station

Solar+ project continues in Blue Lake

The Solar+ project at the Blue Lake Rancheria (BLR) hit high gear this summer, with activity across our research and design areas — from engineering to market assessment. Our project is at the halfway point, with...

Schatz Energy news