Schatz Energy Research Center

Recent posts

From the fellows: Anamika Singh

I am second year graduate student in the Energy, Technology and Policy program here at HSU. I am also a recipient of Blue Lake Rancheria fellowship for clean energy studies and a graduate research assistant at the...

Two cars, with the fuel lines crossing over each other, charge beneath redwoods

Electrifying transportation at HSU

HSU’s first electric vehicle station has already provided 60 “charge ups” in the month since fall semester began. Vehicles charged for an average of 2 hours, obtaining an average of 8 kWh of energy, up...

A student and counselor construct a simple solar circuit

Summer Camp Energy Outreach

On Tuesday afternoon, we joined the Yurok Tribe’s summer camp at the mouth of the Klamath River, to explore solar and wind power with elementary and middle school students. On Thursday, the HSU Robotics Camp met...

Dave Carter sits at a laptop connected to SEL equipment.

SEL Real-Time Automation Controllers

Last week, Schatz Center engineers Dave Carter and Marc Marshall attended a training in Portland, Oregon to learn about the capabilities of Schweitzer Engineering Laboratories’ (SEL) Real-Time Automation...

Two middle school students hold solar modules and fans in the sun.

Schatz Energy Spring/Summer 2018 Newsletter

Our print (and pdf) newsletter is just off the press, with features & updates on: the Redwood Coast Airport (ACV) microgrid breaking ground on Solar+ at the Blue Lake Rancheria the California Biopower Impact project...

Advisory Board members stand outside the West Wing.

Director’s Note: June 2018

On May 4, we had the pleasure of hosting the Schatz Center Advisory Board for our annual meeting. In addition to our customary discussion of Center activities and strategy, we were happy to be able to include the...

Jared Huffman speaks from a podium, between a zero-emission vehicle and the West Wing

Dedication of the Schatz Center West Wing

On Friday, May 4, we formally dedicated our new West Wing addition. Congressional Representative Jared Huffman was joined by HSU President Lisa Rossbacher, Blue Lake Rancheria Tribal Council Member Jason Ramos, and...

Schatz Energy interviews on KHSU

Catch up with these recent Schatz Energy interviews on the KHSU Magazine: Measuring Dirty Fuels to Improve Lives Show host David Reed with Schatz Center’s Nick Lam • April 13, 2018 Resilience Achieved with Blue...

Schatz Energy news