Schatz Energy Research Center

Recent posts

Biomass Energy Workshop

SERC is proud to be co-hosting a biomass energy workshop along with the University of California’s Woody Biomass Utilization Group.  The workshop will take place on November 7th from 8:30 AM to 5 PM at HSU’s...

A Message from the Director

We have completed the transition from summer to fall here in far northern California, and – while it has been clear and sunny for the past few days – we recently had the first heavy rainstorm of the season. As the...

Blue Energy in the Humboldt Bay

Blue Energy, a potential source of renewable and sustainable energy, is the energy released from the salination of water when freshwater mixes with saltwater. One process for capturing this energy is pressure-retarded...

A Message from the Director

Activities on the Humboldt State campus have slowed down for the summer, but we are still very busy here at SERC. The articles in this newsletter highlight some of our current activity. As Colin Sheppard’s article...

Schatz Energy news