Last month, Mark Severy joined the crew of the R.V. Coral Sea for a research cruise from Humboldt Bay out past the continental shelf. The Coral Sea is Humboldt State’s marine research and teaching vessel, and is utilized by oceanography, marine biology, and fisheries students and faculty.
Mark is the project manager for the Schatz Center’s current offshore wind feasibility studies. He joined the October research trip to get a sense of the space and setting where wind farms might be installed. He also helped with the cruise mission to make observations and collect water samples at five stations along the Trinidad Head Line — a twenty-five mile westbound transect. One of these outlying stations lies within the current area being considered for offshore wind leasing through the Bureau of Ocean Energy Management (BOEM).
Learn more about our offshore wind feasibility studies:
- Offshore wind study 1 (OPC)
- Offshore wind study 2 (BOEM)
- Offshore wind study 3 (OPR)
- Offshore wind research overview