SERC is pleased to welcome Michael “Joe” Purdon and Colin Sheppard as graduate research assistants.

Colin Sheppard (formerly Colin Ritter) is a graduate student in the Environmental Resources Engineering (ERE) Department at HSU and the president of RESU (the Renewable Energy Student Union). He is overjoyed to be working for SERC as a research assistant in the assessment of wind and micro-hydro resources on the Yurok Reservation. Colin’s previous involvement with SERC includes conducting outreach and education as a docent. His current academic research involves developing and evaluating statistical tools for assessing wind resources in Humboldt County. He hopes to apply these techniques in his work with the Yurok Tribe and he looks forward to many more misty field visits to the Klamath.

Joe is a graduate student in ERE’s Environmental Systems graduate program and is interested in all types of renewable energy. His research experience, which was gained while working on government contract research in Kansas, includes using microscopy and spectroscopy equipment for surface science as well as studying high temperature lubrication. At SERC, Joe will be running the new gas chromatograph which is part of the biomass gasification project. He is very excited to join the SERC team and this new research endeavor.