Solar, hydrogen, and fuel cell research

Off-grid energy access
Lighting Global notes
- Lighting Global Eco Design Notes
- Lighting Global Market Analysis Reports
- Lighting Global Technical Notes
- Lighting Africa reports
- Lighting Asia reports
Lumina Project
Other project reports
A Guidebook on Grid Interconnection and Islanded Operation of Mini-Grid Power Systems Up to 200 kW
Greacen, Chris, Richard Engel, and Thomas Quetchenbach
LBNL-6224E (2013)
Case Study 14: Rural Electrification in Ladakh, India
Jacobson, Arne
Special Report on Methodological and Technological Issues in Technology Transfer
Inter-governmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) Working Group II (1999) Chapter 16
Field Performance Evaluations of Amorphous Silicon (a-Si) Photovoltaic Systems in Kenya: Methods and Measurements in Support of a Sustainable Commercial Solar Energy Industry
Duke, Graham, Hankins, Jacobson, Kammen, Osawa, Pulver, and Walther
ESMAP Technical Paper 005, World Bank (2000)
The Market for Micro-Power: Social Uses of Solar Electricity in Rural Kenya
Jacobson A.
Working Paper #9, Tegemeo Institute of Agricultural Policy and Development (2005)
Powering a Home with Just 25 Watts of Solar PV: Super-Efficient Appliances Can Enable Expanded Off-Grid Energy Service Using Small Solar Power Systems
Phadke, A. A., Jacobson, A., Park, W. Y., Lee, G. R., Alstone, P., & Khare, A.
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory Report (2015)
Review of Strategies and Technologies for Demand-Side Management on Isolated Mini-Grids
Harper, Meg
LBNL-6223E (2013)
The Value of Vigilance: Evaluating Product Quality in the Kenyan Solar Photovoltaics Industry
Jacobson, Arne and Daniel M. Kammen
Report delivered to solar industry stakeholders in East Africa (2005)
External publications
Black Carbon and Kerosene Lighting: An Opportunity for Rapid Action on Climate Change and Clean Energy for Development
Jacobson, Arne, Nicholas L. Lam, Tami C. Bond, and Nathan Hultman
Global Views (2013) Series #41
Characterization of Particulate Matter Size Distributions and Indoor Concentrations from Kerosene and Diesel Lamps
Apple, J., R. Vicente, A. Yarberry, N. Lohse, E. Mills, A. Jacobson, D. Poppendieck
Indoor Air (2010) Vol. 20, No. 5
Community-Based Electric Micro-Grids Can Contribute to Rural Development: Evidence from Kenya
Kirubi, C, Jacobson A, Kammen D, Mills A
World Development (2009) Vol. 7, No. 7
Decentralized energy systems for clean energy access
P. Alstone, D. Gershenson, D. M. Kammen
Nature Climate Change (2015) Vol. 5
Field Performance Measurements of Amorphous Silicon Photovoltaic Modules in Kenya
Jacobson A, Duke R, Kammen DM, Hankins M
Conference Proceedings, American Solar Energy Society (ASES) (2000)
Field Study Methods and Results from a Market Trial of LED Lighting for Night Market Vendors in Rural Kenya
Alstone, Peter, Kristen Radecsky, Arne Jacobson, and Evan Mills
Light and Engineering (2014) Vol. 22, No. 2
The GridShare Solution: A Smart Grid Approach to Improve Service Provision on a Renewable Energy Mini-Grid in Bhutan
Quetchenbach, T.G., M.J. Harper, J. Robinson IV, K.K. Hervin, N.A. Chase, C. Dorji and A.E. Jacobson
Environmental Research Letters (2013)
High Life Cycle Efficacy Explains Fast Energy Payback for Improved Off-Grid Lighting System
Alstone, Peter, Patricia Lai, Evan Mills, and Arne Jacobson
Journal of Industrial Ecology (2014)
LED Advances Accelerate Universal Access to Electric Lighting
Alstone, Peter and Arne Jacobson
Comptes Rendus Physique (2018) Vol. 19, No. 3, pp. 146-158
Product Quality in the Kenyan Solar Home Systems Market
Duke, R, Jacobson A, Kammen DM
Energy Policy (2002) Vol. 30
Searching for Sustainability: Kenya’s Energy Past and Future
Bailis, Rob, Charles Kirubi, and Arne Jacobson
African Centre for Technology Studies (ACTS), Nairobi, Kenya (2006)
Solarnet magazine
Amorphous Silicon PV Panels: Are they a good value for the money?
Jacobson, Arne
Solarnet Magazine (2000) Vol. 2, No. 2
Charge Controllers and Small Solar PV Systems
Jacobson, Arne
Solarnet Magazine (2004) Vol. 5, No. 2
Designing a Small Solar PV System Part I: Calculating the Amount of Energy Used by the Electrical Loads
Jacobson, Arne
Solarnet Magazine (2002) Vol. 3, No. 3
Designing a Small Solar PV System Part II: Sizing the Solar Panel
Jacobson, Arne
Solarnet Magazine (2002) Vol. 4, No. 1
Designing a Small Solar PV System Part III – Choosing a Battery for the System
Jacobson, Arne
Solarnet Magazine (2002) Vol. 4, No. 2
Designing a Small Solar PV System Part IV: Selecting Wires for the System
Jacobson, Arne
Solarnet Magazine (2003) Vol. 5, No. 1
An Economic Comparison of Electric Torches
Jacobson, Arne
Solarnet Magazine (2009)
Inverters in Small Solar PV Systems
Jacobson, Arne
Solarnet Magazine (2004) Vol.6 , No. 1
Lead Acid Batteries and the Problem of Over-Charging
Jacobson, Arne
Solarnet Magazine (2005) Vol. 7, No.1
Performance Results for Amorphous Silicon Solar Modules Sold in Kenya
Jacobson, Arne
Solarnet Magazine (2005)
Protecting the Battery from Problems Caused by Deep Discharge
Jacobson, Arne
Solarnet Magazine (2005)
Small Solar PV Systems Should Have Small Batteries
Jacobson, Arne
Solarnet Magazine (2001) Vol. 3, No.2
Technologies for Lighting in Rural Africa
Jacobson, Arne
Solarnet Magazine (2006)
Update on the Performance of 14 Watt Phoenix Gold Solar Panels
Jacobson, Arne
Solarnet Magazine (2001) Vol. 3, No. 2

Microgrids and smart grids
Project reports
Blue Lake Rancheria Low-Carbon Microgrid: final project report (2019)
Redwood Coast Airport Renewable Energy Microgrid: initial fact sheet (2019)
Solar+ Microgrid Design: initial project fact sheet (2017)
External publications
Integrating Demand Response and Distributed Resources in Planning for Large-scale Renewable Energy Integration
Peter Alstone, Mary Ann Piette and Peter Schwartz
ACEEE Summer Study on Energy Efficiency in Buildings (2018)

Project reports
Assessing and Accelerating Electric Vehicle Deployment in India
Jacobson, A.E., C. Sheppard, and A. Harris (2014)
Northwest California Alternative Fuel Readiness Plan
Redwood Energy (2016)
Upstate Plug-in Electric Vehicle Readiness Project
David Carter, Colin Sheppard, James Zoellick, Niki Brown, Logan Smith
California Energy Commission Report (2014) CEC-ARV-12-007 Transportation
External publications
California’s Low Carbon Fuel Standard: Modeling financial least-cost pathways to compliance in Northern California
Kevin R Fingerman, Colin Sheppard, Andrew Harris
Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment (2018) Vol. 63, pp. 320–332

Project reports
Biochar Testing Report
Severy, Mark, David Carter, Charles Chamberlin, and Arne Jacobson
Waste To Wisdom (2016)
California Biopower Impacts: project brief (August 2019)
Remote Power Generation Part 1: Technology Selection
Severy, Mark, David Carter, Charles Chamberlin, and Arne Jacobson
Waste To Wisdom (2016)
External publications
Biomass for Export from the United States Southeast to the European Union: Sustainable Potentials 2015 to 2030
Fingerman, K, L Iriarte, U Fritsche, GJ Nabuurs, B Elberson, I Staritsky, T Mai-Moulin, L Visser, and M. Junginger
European Commission, Intelligent Energy Europe (2016)
Carbon Sequestration and Greenhouse Gas Mitigation Potential of Composting and Soil Amendments on California’s Rangelands
Silver, WL, Vergara SE, and Mayer, A
California’s Fourth Climate Change Assessment, California Natural Resources Agency (2018) CNRA-CCC4A-2018-XXX
Demonstration of a Pilot-Scale Plant for Biomass Torrefaction and Briquetting
Severy, Mark, Charles Chamberlin, Anthony Eggink, and Arne Jacobson
Applied Engineering in Agriculture (2018) Vol. 34, No.1
Fading Out Coal
David Carter and Mark Severy
Bioenergy Insight (2017) Vol. 8, No. 6
Feasibility Study on Implementing Anaerobic Digestion Technology on Humboldt County Dairy Farms
Antonio Reis and Richard Engel (2003)
Measurement of Critical Energy/Mass Balances for Stand-Alone Torrefaction
Lehman, P.A., C.E. Chamberlin, G. Chapman, and R. Engel (2014)
Measuring Residence Time Distributions of Wood Chips in a Screw Conveyor Reactor
Charles Chamberlin, David Carter, and Arne Jacobson
Fuel Processing Technology (2018) Vol. 178, pp. 271–282
Networking Our Science to Characterize the State, Vulnerabilities, and Management Opportunities of Soil Organic Matter
Harden JW, Hugelius G, Blankinship J, Bond-Lamberty B, Lawrence C. , Loisel J, Malhotra A , Nave L , Ogle S, Phillips C , Ryals R, Todd-Brown K, Vargas R, Vergara, SE et al.
Global Change Biology (2017) Vol. 24, No. 2
Opportunities and Risks for Sustainable Biomass Export from the Southeastern United States to Europe
Fingerman, K, L Iriarte, U Fritsche, GJ Nabuurs, I Staritsky, T Mai-Moulin, L Visser, and M Junginger.
Biofuels, Bioproducts, and Biorefining (2017)
Performance Analysis of a Biomass Gasifier Genset at Varying Operating Conditions
Palmer, Kyle, Mark Severy, Charles Chamberlin, Anthony Eggink, and Arne Jacobson
Applied Engineering in Agriculture (2018) Vol. 34, No.1
Performance and Emissions Control of Commercial-Scale Biochar Production Unit
Severy, Mark, David Carter, Kyle Palmer, Anthony Eggink, Charles Chamberlin, and Arne Jacobson
Applied Engineering in Agriculture (2018) Vol. 34, No.1
Sourcing Overseas Biomass for EU Ambitions: Assessing Net Sustainable Export Potential from Various Sourcing Countries
Mai-Moulin T, Visser L, Fingerman K, Elbersen W, Elbersen B, Nabuurs G, et al
Biofuels, Bioproducts, and Biorefining (2017)
Thermal Gasification or Direct Combustion? Comparison of Advanced Cogeneration Systems in the Sugarcane Industry
Deshmukh, R., A.E. Jacobson, C.E., Chamberlin, & D. Kammen
Biomass and Bioenergy (2013) pp. 163-174
Utilization of Wet Forest Biomass as Both the Feedstock and Electricity Source for an Integrated Biochar Production System
Eggink, Anthony, Kyle Palmer, Mark Severy, David Carter, and Arne Jacobson
Applied Engineering in Agriculture (2018) Vol. 34, No.1
Waste to Wisdom: Utilizing Forest Residues for the Production of Bioenergy and Biobased Products
Han-Sup Han, Arne Jacobson, E.M. (Ted) Bilek, John Sessions
Applied Engineering in Agriculture (2018) Vol. 34, No.1
Solar, hydrogen, and fuel cell research
Comparative Performance of Electrolysis Cell Stacks at the Humboldt State University Hydrogen Fueling Station
Harper, M., P. Lehman, G. Chapman, and C. Capuano
Proceedings of the National Hydrogen Association’s 20th Annual U.S. Hydrogen Conference (2010)
Comparison of PV Module Performance Before and After 11, 20, and 25.5 Years of Field Exposure
Rada, Jake, Charles Chamberlin, Peter Lehman, and Arne Jacobson Proceedings of the 44th IEEE Photovoltaic Specialists Conference, Washington, DC. (2017)
Comparison of PV Module Performance before and after 11 and 20 Years of Field Exposure
Chamberlin, C.E., M.A. Rocheleau, M.W. Marshall, A.M. Reis, N.T. Coleman, and P.A. Lehman
37th IEEE Photovoltaic Specialists Conferences (2011) Report
Development of a High Pressure PEM Electrolyzer: Enabling Seasonal Storage of Renewable Energy
R.A. Engel, G.S. Chapman, C.E. Chamberlin, and P.A. Lehman
Proceedings of the National Hydrogen Association 15th Annual U.S. Hydrogen Conference and Hydrogen Expo USA, Los Angeles, CA (2004)
Field Testing of a PEM Fuel Cell in an Integrated Power System
P.A. Lehman, C.E. Chamberlin, G.S. Chapman, N.T. Coleman, R.A. Engel, D.A. McKay, M.W. Marshall, A.M. Reis, and J.I. Zoellick
Proceedings of the 2002 Fuel Cell Seminar, Palm Springs, CA (2002)
Fuel Cell/Photovoltaic Integrated Power System for a Remote Telecommunications Repeater
P.A. Lehman, C.E. Chamberlin, J.I. Zoellick, R.A. Engel, and D.S. Rommel Proceedings of the 14th World Hydrogen Energy Conference (2002)
Getting on the Grid J.I. Zoellick and A. Posner
Home Power (2002) Vol. 90, pp. 10-18
Hydrogen: Solution or Distraction? A Debate on the Hydrogen Economy
R. Engel and D. Crea
Home Power (2004) Vol. 101, pp. 88-93
Hydrogen Rocks: The 2003 Lollapalooza Music Tour
N. Coleman, A. Sorensen, R. Engel, P. Lehman, and J. Zoellick
Proceedings of the National Hydrogen Association’s 15th Annual U.S. Hydrogen Conference and Hydrogen Expo USA, Los Angeles, CA (2004)
Hydrogen-Powered Ice Cream
C.E. Parra, S.D. Ornelas, and J.I. Zoellick
Solar Today (1999) Vol. 13, No. 4, pp. 30-33
Methanol-Fired Fuel Cell Power System for Remote Applications
C.E. Chamberlin, G.S. Chapman, M.W. Marshall, D.S. Rommel, A.M. Reis, M.L. Winkler, P.A. Lehman, D.E. Witmer, and T.H. Johnson
Proceedings of the National Hydrogen Association’s 15th Annual U.S. Hydrogen Conference and Hydrogen Expo USA, Los Angeles, CA (2004)
Schatz Energy Research Center’s Education and Outreach Efforts
A.H. Sorensen and P.L. Lehman
Proceedings of the 14th Annual National Hydrogen Association U.S. Hydrogen Conference, Washington, DC (2003)