Schatz Energy Research Center

Recent posts

SERC Returns to Redwood National Park

Three HSU students spent their summer as SERC interns helping to reduce environmental impacts at Redwood National and State Parks. Funding for the collaboration was provided by the nationwide University-National Park...

Off-Grid Lighting Research in Kenya

SERC co-director Dr. Arne Jacobson and graduate student research assistants Peter Johnstone and Kristen Radecsky traveled to Kenya this past summer to collect data for the off-grid lighting project. Lighting is often a...

Yurok Wind & Hydro Study

SERC has been assisting the Yurok nation with energy related projects since 1999. Our current collaboration is to examine the feasibility of developing hydroelectric and wind power resources on the Yurok Reservation. To...

Biomass Gasification Update

This article was written by Ranjit Deshmukh. We have successfully completed the first phase of our three- year Indonesian Gasification project in collaboration with the Renewable and Appropriate Energy Laboratory of the...

Schatz Energy Fellow 2008-2009

We are pleased to welcome Marjorie “Meg” Harper as the 2008-2009 Schatz Energy Fellow. Meg is pursuing a Master’s degree in the Energy, Environment and Society Program at HSU. As a Schatz Energy Fellow, Meg is...

A Message from the Director

The big news for the Schatz Center this month is the official opening of the HSU hydrogen fueling station. As reported by Richard Engel in this issue, we had a joyous grand opening ceremony on a beautiful Humboldt...

Student Work at SERC

SERC welcomes eight student employees to our program, a two- fold increase in just one month. Four Environmental Resources Engineering (ERE) students joined our project researching the quality, performance, and cost of...

Biomass Gasification Update

This update was written by Joe Purdon. The gasifier has safely arrived from India! It is currently being installed here at SERC (see photo, below) and we expect to be generating gas within a month or two. SERC also...

A Message from the Director

As I write this, we have 15 students studying and working at the Center, our largest number ever.    They range from graduate students serving as research assistants on various projects, to three undergraduate UNPEPPers...

Schatz Energy news