Schatz Energy Research Center

Recent posts

University Curriculum Project

Since our last update, we have completed fabrication of two dozen benchtop fuel cell/electrolyzer kits and one of two fuel cell test stations to be built as part of the Hydrogen Energy in Engineering Education (H2E3)...

Welcome New Faculty Research Associate

All of us at SERC are pleased to welcome Dr. Eileen Cashman as a new SERC faculty research associate. Eileen is a Professor in the Environmental Resources Engineering department at HSU. She is an alumna of the ERE...

Hydrogen Learning for Local Leaders

Part of SERC’s mission is to educate people about clean and renewable energy. To that end, SERC is working on a US Department of Energy funded project to inform local government leaders about the long-term benefits and...

A Message from the Director

The Schatz lab celebrated its 20th year anniversary with a gala picnic and reunion last month. The food was delicious, the fog lifted just in time, and Schatzers new and old got to enjoy a wonderful afternoon at...

North Coast Teachers Learn HyTEC

SERC had a busy summer working to get the Hydrogen Technology and Energy Curriculum (HyTEC) into high school classrooms. HyTEC is a 2-3 week curriculum developed over the last four years through a partnership between...

Renewable Energy Security in Humboldt County

How much of Humboldt County’s energy needs could be supplied by wind and wave energy? At what point would the local electricity grid become unstable due to the intermittent nature of these resources? How many biomass...

Solarizing the BLM Kaluna Cabin

This article was written by Matt Bray and Garren Sparks. Recently the Bureau of Land Management contracted with SERC to design and install a photovoltaic (PV) system for the Kaluna Cabin. Located in California’s rugged...

Gasification System Update

For the past two years, SERC has been investigating biomass gasification for the Indonesian Sugar Group. Bagasse, a fibrous sugar cane waste product, is burned inefficiently in boilers at the Sugar Group factory. An...

Hydrogen Fueling Station Update

The final troubleshooting is complete at the Humboldt State Hydrogen Fueling Station. We are now producing and dispensing hydrogen gas reliably. Dave Hoskins, equipment technician at the Telonicher Marine Laboratory in...

A Message from the Director

Well, that didn’t last long. The honeymoon that new Secretary of Energy Steven Chu enjoyed has ended, at least among hydrogen energy researchers and advocates. With the announcement that funding for the hydrogen fuel...

Schatz Energy news