Schatz Energy Research Center

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SERC Delivers Fuel Cell to San Luis Obispo

The Materials Engineering Department at CalPoly San Luis Obispo (SLO) recently purchased a 140 cm2 single cell fuel cell that was designed and produced at SERC. Delivery of the cell to the department occurred last May...

First-Ever Schatz Energy Fellow Announced

SERC recently awarded the first ever Schatz Energy Fellowship to Ranjit Deshmukh, an incoming HSU student who will begin the Environmental Systems Graduate Program in Fall 2006. Although SERC has supported graduate...

Watts Up?

What’s the difference between energy and power? What’s a “Watt?” These are some of the questions students explored during SERC’s “Got Energy?” workshops at the annual Redwood Environmental Education Fair (REEF). Each...

A Message from the Director

Early in May, we were fortunate to host a visit from California’s Climate Action Team. The team was here to discuss the role of forests in mitigating climate change and to take input from attendees on the state’s...

SERC Delivers Hydrogen Safety Trainings

In order to promote the safe use of hydrogen as a transportation fuel and energy commodity, we need to educate and train industry professionals, emergency responders, government officials, permitting officials, and the...

SERC Docents Bring Energy to the Community

At SERC we aim to increase energy and environmental awareness by offering first-hand experience with clean energy technologies to students and the public. Our two-year-old docent program helps us accomplish this goal...

A Message from the Director

We at SERC have been working hard for over 15 years to advance our mission to “promote clean and renewable energy.” But, despite writing many research papers and technical reports, securing patents, and...

Schatz Energy news