Schatz Energy Research Center

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A Message from the Director

What a difference a year makes. SERC colleague Arne Jacobson and I traveled to Washington, D.C. in January to speak to our lawmakers, discuss ongoing work at the Center, and offer our support and guidance on climate...

An Energy-Saving Home on the Range

A few months ago, staff of southern Oregon’s Siskiyou Field Institute (SFI) asked SERC to help make SFI’s newly acquired Deer Creek Center (DCC) a showcase for clean energy. SFI is a non-profit dedicated to increasing...

A Message from the Director

This issue of our newsletter chronicles a milestone event for the Schatz Center. After years of work designing and installing hydrogen technology for organizations all across the U.S., we’re finally getting to build a...

Sustainable Energy for the Yurok Nation

The Yurok Tribe, whose remote homeland stretches from the seashore to the inland mountains of northwest California, are close neighbors of SERC. We have worked with the Yurok on a number of occasions, helping them to...

Hydrogen Safety and Awareness Training

SERC Director Dr. Peter Lehman and Senior Research Engineer Jim Zoellick recently provided a hydrogen safety and awareness training to staff and safety officials at the State University of New York at Buffalo. SUNY...

Docents Get HyTEC

Fall has begun and with it a flurry of activity in our education and outreach program. We added four new docents to our program, three Environmental Systems graduate students and one undergraduate in Environmental...

Fall Speaker Series Lineup

SERC is pleased to host an exciting fall semester lineup for the Energy, Environment, and Society speaker series. This is the second year for the series, and we look forward to building on last year’s success. The...

A Message from the Director

Once again, I’m proud to be a Californian. As part of a landmark deal reached recently by Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger and legislative Democrats, California will become the first state to impose a cap on all greenhouse...

Schatz Energy news