Schatz Energy Research Center
A plane moves along the runway, with Trinidad, CA in the distance
The Redwood Coast Airport runway

Webinar (4/17): CCAs, resilience, and the Redwood Coast Airport microgrid

Interested in learning more about our design for the Redwood Coast Airport’s renewable energy microgrid? We’ll be joining the folks at the Clean Power Exchange for a free online webinar on Wednesday, April 17, from 11 am to noon (PST).

Panelists will include:

  • Richard Engel, Director of Power Resources for RCEA
  • Nikky Avila, Senior Grid Innovation Engineer for PG&E, and
  • James Zoellick, Managing Research Engineer at the Schatz Center.

We’ll share aspects of the project including:

  • community resiliency planning
  • developing new tariffs for connecting microgrids
  • meeting California’s storage mandate
  • creating a replicable business model for front-of-meter, multi-customer microgrids, and
  • participating in the statewide energy wholesale market through local, renewable generation.


CCAs and Energy Resilience: Redwood Coast Energy Authority’s Airport Microgrid

Free online webinar: Wednesday, April 17, 11 am to noon (PST)

Schatz Energy news


Schatz Energy news