Interested in learning more about our design for the Redwood Coast Airport’s renewable energy microgrid? We’ll be joining the folks at the Clean Power Exchange for a free online webinar on Wednesday, April 17, from 11 am to noon (PST).
Panelists will include:
- Richard Engel, Director of Power Resources for RCEA
- Nikky Avila, Senior Grid Innovation Engineer for PG&E, and
- James Zoellick, Managing Research Engineer at the Schatz Center.
We’ll share aspects of the project including:
- community resiliency planning
- developing new tariffs for connecting microgrids
- meeting California’s storage mandate
- creating a replicable business model for front-of-meter, multi-customer microgrids, and
- participating in the statewide energy wholesale market through local, renewable generation.
CCAs and Energy Resilience: Redwood Coast Energy Authority’s Airport Microgrid
Free online webinar: Wednesday, April 17, 11 am to noon (PST)