The excitement of having a hydrogen fueling station here at HSU is growing as the fueling station takes shape. We’ve accomplished a lot since the last fueling station update (SERC Energy News, Spring 2007). HSU Plant Operations staff have done a great job constructing the site infrastructure. Heavy-duty concrete foundations, block walls, steel bollards, and a security fence were built and will provide a secure site for the station’s equipment. In September, a crane was on site to position the high-pressure storage vessels and two metal canopies to shelter the equipment and personnel doing refueling.
SERC engineers are currently installing the hydrogen piping, electrical, and safety systems. We plan to conduct system start-up testing early next year. After some delays, we expect to receive a hydrogen-powered Toyota Prius from the California Air Resources Board early in the spring. The station’s grand opening celebration is tentatively scheduled for April- look for the date and time in a future newsletter.