Schatz Energy Research Center

New publication on CA’s Low Carbon Fuel Standard

Kevin Fingerman, Colin Sheppard, and Andrew Harris recently authored an article on California’s Low Carbon Fuel Standard: Modeling financial least-cost pathways to compliance in Northern California. This paper shares the results of a technoeconomic model developed at the Schatz Center to explore cost-effective pathways for replacing gasoline with alternative vehicle fuels, such as electricity, biodiesel, ethanol, and hydrogen.

Our study focused on six regions within Northern California, with the goal of simulating the most effective pathway to reaching the 10% reduction in transportation fuel greenhouse gas emissions that is mandated by California’s Low Carbon Fuel Standard (LCFS). Within the study regions, the analysis found that compliance with the LCFS will be more difficult than expected, and that electric vehicles should be expected to play a critical role in achieving vehicle emissions reduction goals.

The article will be published in the August 2018 (Vol 63) edition of Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment and is available to download here in pdf.

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